CV. Adil Citra Raya

Sell Floor Scale / Banch Scale / Indicator / Load Cell / Service & Spare Parts.
CV. Adil Citra Raya is a company in the field of weighing goods & services. We produce Scales Banch Scale, Floor Scale & Truck Scale Specialists who can be trusted the best quality & quality. Our motto is "the best quality & quality we provide for you"
We also provide spare parts such as: Loadcell, Indicators, External Display, Junction Box etc. With various brands: Avery Weightronics, Kubota, AND, Cardinal, Rinstrum, GSC, CAS and others. In addition, we also provide services such as: Calibration, Service, Service Contracts, Tera Metrology & Scales Modification.
We are ready to assist you in accurate weighing and are supported by experienced technicians. Contact Us: CV. ADIL CITRA RAYA Tel. 02154377878/02129319809 Cellphone 089630488340 (WA) / 085776751101 (Ms. Nisya)


Pusat Jual Jembatan Timbang Harga Murah

Adil Citra Raya menjual berbagai jenis jembatan timbang berkualitas. Jembatan timbang adalah salah satu jenis timbangan yang sering digunakan untuk menimbang beban atau muatan truk tanpa menurunkan barang muatannya. Jembatan timbang ada beberapa tipe diantaranya Jembatan Timbang Konvensional, Jembatan Timbang Sumbu, Jembatan Timbang Portabel, Jembatan Timbang Modern. Selain itu Kami juga menjual Timbangan Lantai, Timbangan Duduk dan Timbangan lainnya.